
Stefano Luciano graduated in Painting and Art Graphics at the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice and specialized in Art and Image, Pictorial Discipline, Drawing and History of Art at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. He deepened his experience as an engraver collaborating with the Busato Art Printshop in Vicenza, examining more in detail the chalcographic techniques. Through the collaboration with Busato Printshop of Art, he further developed the artistic research and enhanced the chalcographic technique. Winner of many awards and receiver of recognition both from art critics and the public, Luciano is rapidly becoming well known at an international level, attending events and collecting mentions all over the world. Through his work the artist explores forgotten places, where time seems to be stopped. His subjects recall tradition, past and history, framing the whole in a contemporary atmosphere. Thanks to his perception, objects are surrounded by a suggestive magic able to stop time and space. Everything is enveloped by light, which always turns out to be lively and prominent. Spaces are organized around lines, which are clearly visible and often pass through the whole artwork, sometimes crossing and focusing towards unexpected directions. The interlocking game of shapes and lines, combined with visual and perspective, always generates new combinations, where contrasts of shapes, lights and shadows are privileged.

“The goal of my job is to talk about people. My way to do it is through the representation of the industrial archeology as a mirror reflecting the human existence.”

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